EHC Consulting - Epic on Azure Managed Service

EHC Consulting

The EHC Consulting team of Epic on Azure experts will provide application and infrastructure management required to run in Azure.

Cost will vary based on scope. Please contact EHC directly for quote.

EHC Consulting: Who Runs Your Epic Matters.

The EHC Consulting team of Epic on Azure experts harnesses the power of Epic’s best practices, coupled with Azure's next generation cloud services, robust automation, scalable architecture to run and manage your Epic ecosystem.

Our comprehensive suite of services includes: • Epic System Upgrades & Updates: Ensuring your system remains up to date. • Infrastructure Management: Streamlining your operations. • Application Optimization: Ensuring you meet Honor Roll. • Security Management: Protecting your data with cloud security best practices. • Continuous Monitoring & Patching: Keeping your system healthy and compliant. • Utilization of Next Gen Cloud Services: Taking Epic data to the next level by operationalizing data warehouses, AI, and ML.

Our goal is to empower your team to focus on what matters most—innovation and delivering exceptional patient care experiences.

Beyond the essentials, EHC Consulting leverages the cloud’s exclusive capabilities and technologies to offer a superior managed service experience. We believe that Where You Run Epic Matter and Who Runs Your Epic Matters. With Azure, you gain unprecedented access to your data, unlocking the potential to discover insightful patterns and drive informed decision-making.

EHC Consulting acts as the vital link between your Epic system to operationalize Azure’s powerful tools, enriching the value of your data. We tackle the intricate tasks of running Epic, while also guiding you with strategic advice and deep expertise to maximize the benefits of your digital transformation journey. Our commitment goes beyond maintenance; we’re here to enhance your ability to provide top-tier patient care.