Security Testing: 2-Week Assessment


Ensure the protection of your Microsoft Azure/Hybrid infrastructure and Azure-based applications with ELEKS' Security Testing Services.

ELEKS' Security Testing Services are designed to safeguard your Azure/Hybrid infrastructure and Azure-based applications and solutions by identifying and addressing potential vulnerabilities. Our comprehensive range of security testing activities, including vulnerability scanning and penetration testing, ensures thorough protection against malicious activities.

By partnering with ELEKS, you'll receive a detailed set of deliverables tailored to your security needs:

  • An executive summary outlining key findings.
  • A comprehensive overview of testing scope and methodologies.
  • Detailed reports on identified vulnerabilities, graded by criticality using CVSS scores.
  • Proof of existence for each vulnerability.
  • Descriptions of potential impacts and actionable recommendations for remediation.

With ELEKS' Security Testing Services, you can fortify your digital assets against threats and maintain the integrity and security of your infrastructure and solutions.

Our approaches ELEKS' certified experts possess the practical expertise to help you pinpoint and advise a way to remediate vulnerabilities effectively, employing a range of specialized activities:

  • White-box Penetration Test provides a comprehensive evaluation by granting testers access to specific information such as credentials, source code, and network architecture. This behind-the-scenes assessment thoroughly examines both internal and external vulnerabilities.
  • Black-box Penetration Test identifies exploitable system vulnerabilities from an external perspective, based on limited information. Testers work without access to architecture diagrams or source code not publicly available.
  • Gray-box Penetration Test combines elements of white-box and black-box testing. With limited information available to testers, this approach strikes a balance between depth and efficiency.
  • Vulnerability scanning utilizes automated processes to proactively identify network, application, and security vulnerabilities. While scanners flag potential vulnerabilities, they do not exploit them.
  • Code review / SAST (Static Application Security Testing) analyzes source code to identify security vulnerabilities that could compromise your organization's applications. This approach can help you address vulnerabilities early in the development cycle.
  • DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) simulates attacks on web applications to uncover vulnerabilities through front-end analysis, ensuring comprehensive security testing.

Tools and standards We ensure a thorough selection of testing cutting-edge tools to deliver best results. Our experts have ample experience working with the following toolset: Shodan, Kali Linux OS, PortSwigger Web Security: Burp Suite Professional, OWASP ZAP, Nmap, Nessus, Nexpose, OpenVAS, SonarQube, Mimikatz, Metasploit, and more. Our adherence to industry standards such as OWASP, PTES, and SANS guarantees robust testing methodologies tailored to your needs.

Deliverables Our security testing assessments yield actionable insights, with deliverables including:

  • Detailed technical reports outlining findings, severity ratings, and recommendations for remediation.
  • Visual documentation, including screenshots or video Proof of Vulnerability (PoV), accompanied by step-by-step instructions for reproducing security defects.
  • Presentations and demos highlighting key findings and actionable insights.
  • Rigorous re-testing of identified security issues to ensure comprehensive risk mitigation.

With our meticulous approach to security testing, you can rest assured that your digital assets are fortified against potential threats, safeguarding your organization's reputation and integrity.