DevOps Services: 90-Min Workshop

Encora Holdings, LLC

Encora's workshop will help you Implement a CI/CD workflow from scratch leveraging Microsoft Azure Services and GitHub.

Analyse and evaluate the business value and complexities involved in deploying a CI/CD workflow leveraging Microsoft Azure Services and GitHub. Join Encora’s experts to identify how Microsoft Azure Services can benefit your organization.


  • DevOps and CI/CD Services Overview. Learn of the business value of implementing CI/CD for your services – we’ll go over Encora’s DevOps framework consisting of 3 main topics: processes, tools, and people.

  • Azure DevOps-Oriented Services. We will introduce the DevOps-oriented core services offered by Azure, including Azure Repos, Azure Pipelines, Azure Tests, among others. A special section is also dedicated to GitHub services and its integration with Azure.

  • Getting Started with CI/CD in Azure. Dive right into a hands-on experience using Azure DevOps, GitHub actions, and understand its different services.

  • Implementing & Managing Builds. Explore advanced usage of Azure's services, including building agents/agent pools, jobs, connectors, permissions, web-hooks, and triggers, to build end-to-end solutions. A separate section contains the inner workings of GitHub actions.

  • Implementing a fully-fledged CI/CD Solution. Deploy a working CI/CD solution using Microsoft Azure Services and GitHub, while leveraging the Encora DevOps Framework's best practices.

  • Wrap-up and recommendations. Go over Key takeaways and recommendations.

Post-Workshop Deliverables

  • A working CI/CD Solution workflow template for both Azure Pipelines and GitHub Actions.

  • Key takeaways and recommendations custom-made for your business