Data Factory QuickStart: 4-week POC

EPAM Systems

The EPAM Data Factory Offering empowers organizations to embark on their Data Transformation journey by providing tailored solutions that align with their goals and deliver lasting value.

The Data Factory QuickStart approach by EPAM enables a gradual Data Transformation journey, starting from building a single data product and expanding into a comprehensive enterprise-wide data ecosystem built on Microsoft Azure. Each implemented data product contributes to the strategic vision and delivers tangible business value.

We provide flexible options with three indicative sizing choices based on your specific needs and requirements:

Option 1: Data Product. This option focuses on building a data product within a basic data platform.

  1. Learn & Plan: 4 weeks
  2. Pilot/Validate: 3 months
  3. Scale: Long-term

Option 2: Foundation. This option establishes a platform to facilitate repeatable and scalable processes and solutions with minimal risks.

  1. Learn & Plan: 6 weeks
  2. Pilot/Validate: 6-7 months
  3. Scale: Long-term

Option 3: Ecosystem. his option creates an enterprise-wide ecosystem with all data products integrated, fostering collaboration across the organization

  1. Learn & Plan: 8 weeks
  2. Pilot/Validate: >15 months (iterative)
  3. Scale: Long-term