Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework code-first IaC build (Starter): 4-Wk implementation

Frontier Digital

A code-first IaC build of the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure following best-practice on automation, security, resilience, maintainability, observability and cost-management.

The Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure is a full lifecycle framework that enables cloud architects, IT professionals, and business decision makers to achieve their cloud adoption goals. It provides best practices, documentation, and tools that help you create and implement business and technology strategies for the cloud. At Frontier, we know that by leading with best practice on cloud adoption we can partner with our clients to achieve and sustain their growth strategy.

Our experts will use their skills and experience to design and build Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure platform landing zones, role-based access control and governance controls. By following industry standards and best practice on automation, security, resilience, maintainability, observability and cost-management, we'll enable your organisation to build upon a strong foundation to achieve it's cloud adoption goals.

As well as platform landing zones, role-based access control and governance controls, we'll also implement an internal developer platform in Azure DevOps, including a catalog of re-usable Infrastructure-as-Code modules, a common approach to deployment (including configuration and secrets management) and a self-service capability.

Our code-first IaC build of the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure enables organisations to achieve their technology goals - from container and data platforms to AI-driven apps and machine learning - safe in the hands of a forward-looking partner that knows the path to predictability, risk reduction, security and cost efficiency.