Migration to Azure - Implementation (8 weeks)

Inetum (HO)

Inetum offers you a complete solution for migrating your infrastructure to Microsoft Azure, the leading cloud platform. Our team of migration experts will support you every step of the way.

Inetum offers you a complete solution for migrating your infrastructure to Microsoft Azure, the leading cloud platform. Our team of migration experts will support you every step of the way.

1 Assessment Inetum use Azure Migrate or other tools to detect and evaluate your local resources. We gather information on existing infrastructure, databases and applications and identify the relationships and dependencies between your resources. Once we have a comprehensive understanding of your current infrastructure, we define the strategy on how to do the migration. For each type of resource, we will determine the most suitable migration approach (including options such as retain, retire, rehost, replatform, rearchitect, replace).

Based on the estimation of what will be migrate and the strategy, we will build a migration plan and estimate the cost of the migration as well as the recurrent cost in Azure.

2 Migration Migration process can be fully managed by inetum team or managed jointly between our team and your teams. We will build the Azure platform that will offer connectivity, identity and management services to your applications. We will build landing zones to host your applications and we will progressively migrate in waves your workload to minimize disruption. We build resources with IAC (infrastructure As Code) and automate the process of migration. We manage and monitor the migration process.

Benefits of migrating to Azure: Scalability and flexibility: Azure offers a scalable infrastructure that adapts to your growing needs. You can scale up or down your ressources according to demand. Integrated security: Your data is protected by the most stringent security standards. Azure offers advanced security services, such as threat detection and identity management. Cost reduction: Migration to Azure enables you to reduce infrastructure and operating costs. You only pay for the resources you use. Accelerated innovation: Azure offers a host of services, such as AI, data analytics and IoT, that enable you to innovate faster.

Benefit of migrating with Inetum : Inetum offers expertise and proven methodology. Inetum has Azure, security, devops and data experts working together. With numerous successful migrations to their credit, they have applied a proven methodology. Inetum co-build with you the migration. We consider your constraint and work with your teams to do the best choices. We train your teams to develop their skill on Azure.

get in touch with our Inetum experts !
