Microservices Accelerator: 1-Hour Briefing

Globallogic Inc.

Dev sandbox of modules implementing common NFRs & cross-cutting concerns for microservices projects

GlobalLogic offers a free 1-hour briefing for technology leadership with the focus on Microservices Accelerator by GlobalLogic a comprehensive microservice chassis that includes a project configurator and a set of optional modules that implement the most common non-functional requirements for typical microservices-based projects.

Business Needs addressed:

  • Reduce time and effort required to implement fundamental, non-functional requirements (NFRs) for all microservices in a project
  • Create deployment-agnostic microservices, thus reducing the effort required to switch from one approach to another (e.g., containers or Function-as-a-Service)
  • Simplify the adoption of Reactive programming techniques
  • Simplify multi-language projects that use common / compatible implementations of NFRs, common approaches, and techniques; provides a similar developer experience for all teams
  • Reduce time to integrate with Azure-provided solutions for logging, distributed tracing, messaging, and serverless
  • Reduce time to prototype a microservices-based project by using samples and reference implementation of common scenarios out-of-the-box

Value Proposition:

  • Saves up to 75 person-months of project efforts depending on the level of customization
  • Improves cross team consistency / mobility
  • Keeps team focused on functional requirements
  • Follow proven best practices and ensure quality standards

Topics for 1-hour briefing:

  • Microservices Accelerator overview
  • Vision for Microservices Accelerator
  • Pluggable Architecture
  • Project configurator
  • Microservices Accelerator capabilities & benefits

What customer will get:

  • OOTB support for the common NFRs
  • Improved and consistent code and architectural quality
  • OOTB support for various PaaS solutions on Azure
