Application Migration for ISVs (3-Week Assessment)


FREE App Migration Assessment specifically tailored for the complex needs of today's modern Independent Software Providers (ISVs)

Organizations are rapidly moving web-facing applications to Azure – it just makes sense. Azure is lower-cost, lower-touch, highly reliable, and dynamic. But how are they dealing with security? How are they ensuring their cloud infrastructure remains compliant with security best practices.

From addressing security and reliability to optimizing cost, the modern ISV faces a host of challenges. With competition increasing, companies are under pressure to shorten development cycles and create go-to-market strategies that drive sales fast.

To overcome these challenges and compete in a global market, ISVs need best-in-class technology solutions and partners. That’s where Microsoft Azure and Hanu come in. Azure provides organizations with infinite scalability on a pay-as-you-go basis. We can also help you listed your application on the Azure Marketplace, your solution will be shown to millions of potential customers around the world. You’ll also have access to Azure’s cutting-edge development tool set, all with military-grade resilience and security. Best of all, Azure’s automation, infrastructure, and platforms combined with Hanu’s managed services means your team can stop worrying about maintaining IT infrastructure and focus on innovating.

We understand unique needs of ISVs from cost savings and operational improvements to shortened development cycles. Our Azure migration experts and cloud consultants ensure high efficiency for ISV’s application with reduced IT infrastructure management costs.

What is Included?

  • A detailed application assessment, in which we will provide you with a migration plan that’s backed by stakeholder alignment, informed by a comprehensive inventory audit and in-line with your TCO objectives.
  • Migration options and recommendations best suited for your organization, from no-code lift-and-shift migrations to highly scalable application modernization.
  • Implementation plan of additional cloud services to help you govern and monitor your infrastructure, simultaneously controlling costs and managing usage.
  • Security and management plan for your migrated aplication to help you leverage advanced adaptive threat protection tools to keep your cloud infrastructure’s data secure and stable.

“Every company is a software company. You have to start thinking and operating like a digital company."

- Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft