Infosys Azure OpenAI Workshop

Infosys Limited

Choose from a list of 5 Workshop options

  1. Advanced Prompt Engineering Workshop utilizing Microsoft Azure OpenAI • Description: This offering includes three in-depth workshops focused on prompt engineering techniques. These sessions use over 50 carefully curated and highly effective Infosys Prompt Patterns to help attendees understand and implement advanced techniques for optimal interaction with the GPT model. • Target User: These workshops are beneficial for Azure AI developers, data scientists, and business professionals who interact with AI systems and need to refine their ability to prompt for desired outputs. • Customer Need: This service addresses the common challenge of crafting effective prompts, which directly influences the quality of Azure AI-generated content and outcomes.
  2. Generative AI Governance Workshop utilizing Azure • Description: These three interactive workshops are based on the comprehensive Infosys Governance checklist, which includes over 100 items related to Design, Architecture, and Ethical Governance of generative AI systems with Azure • Target User: Ideal for Azure AI project managers, data governance officers, and organizational leaders who are responsible for overseeing the implementation and maintenance of AI systems. • Customer Need: This service tackles the complex issue of Azure AI governance, helping organizations ensure responsible, ethical, and effective use of AI technology.
  3. Generative Azure AI Use Case Exploration & Selection Workshop • Description: A highly interactive workshop that uses the Infosys AI framework, consisting of 18 building blocks and a use case catalogue with over 500 potential applications. The workshop guides participants through a process of identifying, exploring, and selecting the most relevant and impactful use cases for their business. • Target User: Ideal for business strategists, product managers, and innovation leads looking to identify high-impact Azure AI opportunities for their organization. • Customer Need: This offering addresses the need for strategic guidance in identifying and selecting the most valuable Azure AI use cases to pursue, optimizing return on AI investment.
  4. Generative AI Strategy Workshop utilizing Azure • Description: This workshop is based on the strategic insights from the Infosys partnership with The goal of the workshop is to help organizations create a robust and forward-thinking generative Azure AI strategy. • Target User: This workshop is designed for C-suite executives, technology strategists, and innovation leads who are responsible for guiding the strategic direction of their organization's Azure AI initiatives. • Customer Need: It caters to the need for a clear, comprehensive, and effective Azure AI strategy to guide the successful implementation and leverage of AI technologies.
  5. Fast-Tracked GPT Delivery for Pre-Engineered Use Cases for Azure • Description: With this service, we offer rapid delivery of GPT implementations for pre-engineered use cases such as text summarization, question answering, and more. This fast-track process allows organizations to quickly realize the benefits of GPT technology. • Target User: Ideal for businesses and organizations that want to quickly implement GPT capabilities for specific use cases without starting from scratch. • Customer Need: This addresses the need for speed in the implementation of Azure AI capabilities, reducing the time and complexity of deploying GPT technology for specific applications.