Application Modernization Strategy 2-day Workshop


In this 2-day workshop, Insight experts will work with you to prioritize legacy applications for modernization with supporting technical architectures and defined service improvement opportunities

In this workshop, Insight experts will work with you to prioritize legacy applications for moving to Microsoft® Azure® with supporting technical architectures and defined service improvement opportunities.

Through a deep dive into your application ecosystem, we’ll review each of your candidate applications and prioritize them for Azure migration based on the Return on Investment (ROI) modernization would offer. As we work through your target list, we focus on identifying the specific enhancements and risks that would define the impact of modernizing each application. The output of this workshop will provide you with clear next steps on your path to modernizing your application estate and moving legacy applications to the Azure cloud.

BENEFITS • Identify priority applications across your list of target candidates. • Better understand current gaps and areas of risk. • Define a clear picture of your desired end-state application ecosystem. • Understand next steps for migrating applications to Azure.

WHAT TO EXPECT PREPARATION (2–3 days prior to workshop)

  • Initiation call with project sponsor and participants
  • Review of current application ecosystem and key requirements
  • Review of governance/security protocols

WORKSHOP (2-days) Day 1

  • Defining technology landscape and dependencies
  • Defining desired end-state/gaps to achieve
  • Application architecture deep dive (as necessary) Day 2
  • Assessment of applications for end-state impact and dependencies
  • Identification/prioritization of application improvement opportunities

EXECUTIVE READOUT (post workshop)

  • Prioritized list of targeted applications
  • Preliminary new/improved application features
  • Initial key requirements and supporting architectural diagrams
  • List of identified risk areas for prototyping
