Data Governance with Azure Purview: 2-Week Kick Start Program


Invero's Data Governance Assessment provides a foundation that allows your organizations to successfully execute on a data governance program that assists in realizing the value of your data assets.

Are you looking to determine how best to leverage Azure Purview in your organization's data governance approach, but you don't know where to start? This 2-week kick start program will help you to define a data governance strategy and operational framework for implementing Azure Purview within your environment. Invero does this by combining on-site workshops with analysis and best practices to assist in designing a recommended data governance framework, resulting in a comprehensive report that includes the following:

  1. Current State & Gap Analysis to Target State - Detailed analysis of your current Data Governance landscape and your future priorities and considerations.

  2. Operational Framework - Define Data Governance best practices and policies, confirm roles and responsibilities., establish a RACI for key roles and responsibilities, formalize the data governance policies & procedures and ownership.

  3. Data Governance Roadmap & Initiatives - High-level plan to mobilize the Data Governance program, provide detailed and prioritized initiatives to guide an effective Data Governance program that grows as you grow.

Invero will help your company achieve its data governance goals and extend your use of Azure by providing our expertise in this area. We can augment your team if you do not have the expertise in-house. We do this by following our proven process as follows:

Step 1: Kickoff - Our specialists outline the engagement goals, timeline and roles and responsibilities

Step 2: Current State Workshops & Interviews - Stakeholder Interviews and a collaborative workshop, to define business motivations, current state and priorities.

Step 3: Target State & Gap Analysis - Establish target state vision and strategic imperatives. gap analysis against requirements and against maturity model and best practices​.

Step 4: Operational Framework - Define Data Governance best practices and policies, confirm roles and responsibilities, establish a RACI for key roles and responsibilities, formalize the data governance policies & procedures and ownership.

Step 5: Report Presentation - High-level plan to mobilize the Data Governance program and, prioritized initiatives to guide an effective Data Governance program that grows as you grow.