Customer Healthcheck Segmentation:6-week Implement


Find groups of under or over-performing customers and deploy the right treatments to those groups, at the right time.

Using a combination of Azure Databricks, data lake and Azure ML services we help you implement rules-based approach, that is easily understood, implemented, and activated across your organisation. Using three dimensions of longevity, engagement and value to segment your customer base, we create groups of similar people, highlighting where there are areas of unrealised opportunities and risks. Data will be loaded, typically using Azure Data Factory into partitioned Azure Data Lake. We score your customers by their interactions and engagement with your inbound and outbound channels and campaigns using Azure Databricks. We then overlay value to identify groups of high spend consumers who interact with you through your most valuable channels. We’ll look at the base at 2 points in time to highlight movements of key customer groups, allowing informed decisions around budget investments and appropriate actions for consumers at risk. Rules can be easily applied to refresh the segmentation regularly, tracking movements and impact from your marketing activity. We can help you understand who your customers are, build communication tactics and marketing strategies and determine the right treatments to maximise their value.
How will it help me and my business? • Creation or extension of Azure Data lake • Identify and describe first party customer audiences for activation • Recognise those not engaging with the brand at different life stages • Understand those at risk or churn and the size • Who is generating the most value and who is under-performing • Relationship between engagement and value • Focus budget in areas of high and low investment • Direction to improve customer experience against an optimal ROI • Reporting in Power BI