Managed DevOps 10 Weeks Implementation


Managed DevOps is a service provided by Navisite for our customers to help them adopt and operate with DevOps (Development and Operations) practices in Azure environment. Customers can use Managed Dev

The service is positioned for customers who want to migrate their workloads to Azure, improve their Azure workloads by refactoring them to modern architectures, or require additional support with technical tasks or operation in their cloud environment Navisite has a large team of DevOps experts and cloud engineers with a track record of migrating customers to Azure and modernizing their workloads. The team is highly skilled in DevOps methodology, so they can deliver quickly and effectively. Navisite has built a library of 500 plus standard operational procedures that our customers will have access to, enabling optimization of their cloud operations. Delivery Methodology

Engaged customers will be provided with a Technical Account Manager (TAM) and a dedicated DevOps team. Bi-weekly meetings will take place to discuss priorities, establish goals and track activities.
•Migration and Modernizing Workloads • Moving customer’s applications from traditional architecture into container or serverless architectures • Migrating application workloads from on-premises environments into the Azure cloud • Improving cloud-based architectures to ensure they are more reliable, scalable, and elastic •Cloud Operational Excellence • Creation of CloudFormation or Terraform templates to deliver infrastructure. The customer receives all templates • Implementation and optimization of monitoring solution • Setting up CI/CD pipelines which works with any language, platform, and cloud. Connect to GitHub or any other Git provider and deploy continuously through Azure Pipelines •Cloud Optimization • Review of CI/CD process to enable customers to improve and speed up their delivery of change • Review of environment and workloads to improve availability, reliability and reduce costs • Leverage Azure Repos to collaborate and build better code •Security and Compliance • Help customers implement best practices to maintain their security posture