App Security for Azure DevOps - 2WK Implementation


Cognizant’s “Application security for Azure DevOps” offering is to help Azure DevOps customers to implement application security controls and ensure secure application delivery.

“Application security for Azure DevOps” by Cognizant Technology Services (CTS) is a consulting service to implement application security controls for Azure DevOps pipeline.

Microsoft Azure DevOps is widespread platform to develop new age applications. The platform provides flexible pipeline model to build and release the application in agile way. Securing pipeline often challenging and it require techno-rich scanning tools & experts to implement / run the scans to get fullest benefit.

CTS is leading digital transformation partner for many fortune 500 companies worldwide and helped many customer across industries in application modernization & cloud adaptation. Azure PaaS & DevOps are most preferred platform for new age application development; The CICD technology & rich Azure market place has made it popular choice for rapid application development.

CTS sees application security as integral for part of DevOps and developed well defined approach to integrate various OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) security checks for CICD delivery. In this offering, primary focus is to implement static & dynamic application testing (SAST/DADT) along with software composition analysis (SCA) / open source security validation. SAST & DAST are a techniques to detect security vulnerabilities at code level and at application runtime. The new age applications are typically composed of many open source / third party components and carries risk of inherited security vulnerabilities.