Gen AI Guardian: Build Responsible AI on Azure OpenAI

Nous Infosystems Inc.

Minimize rework costs and ensure compliance by developing trustworthy Gen AI models within a streamlined 4-week timeframe.

Nous’ GenAI Guardian service on the Azure Marketplace empowers businesses to develop and deploy responsible AI models on Azure OpenAI in just four weeks. This efficient service ensures the integration of responsible AI principles like fairness, explainability, and security from the outset. Every step will be guided, from leveraging built-in Azure OpenAI safeguards to establishing monitoring practices for continuous improvement. With GenAI Guardian, businesses benefit from:

  • Reduced Risk of Rework: Developing trustworthy GenAI models from the start, avoiding costly revisions due to bias or ethical issues.
  • Streamlined Compliance: Ensuring adherence to evolving regulations and industry standards with a responsible AI development approach.
  • Increased Stakeholder Trust: Building confidence in AI with demonstrably responsible AI practices.

Special Offer: Get a free assessment to identify potential responsible AI roadblocks in the current GenAI development process.

Action Items

  • Responsible AI Integration: Assistance integrating responsible AI principles like fairness, explainability, and security into the development process.
  • Azure OpenAI Safeguards: Guidance on leveraging built-in Azure OpenAI features to mitigate bias, ensure data privacy, and promote explainable models.
  • Continuous Monitoring & Improvement: Establishment of monitoring practices to track the model's performance and identify areas for ongoing improvement.


  • A Generative AI model developed with responsible AI principles embedded throughout the process.
  • A documented, responsible AI development plan for future projects.
  • Access to ongoing support and guidance for responsible AI practices on Azure OpenAI.