Application Portfolio Rationalization


NSEIT’s Application Portfolio Rationalization Assessment aims to simplify maintenance by identifying applications that deliver maximum value to your organization

Are you ready to harness the full potential of Microsoft Azure? NSEIT's Application Portfolio Rationalization solution is your key to unlocking Azure's capabilities, whether you're just starting your cloud journey or expanding your existing use.

Understanding Your Enterprise Applications

Our Application Portfolio Rationalization solution is tailor-made to provide you with a crystal-clear understanding of your enterprise applications' value, relevance, and impact on your IT landscape. It's not just an assessment; it's a strategic approach to optimizing your applications for Azure's potential.

Elevating Your Azure Experience

Here's how our solution enhances your Azure journey:

  1. Cost Reduction: Identify and eliminate redundant or underutilized applications. This translates into substantial savings on licensing, maintenance, and infrastructure expenses, freeing up resources for your Azure initiatives.

  2. Improved Efficiency: Reduce complexity and minimize duplicated efforts. Our solution optimizes processes, enhances application integration, and streamlines operations, ensuring efficient use of Azure resources.

  3. Enhanced Agility: Stay agile and innovative by quickly adapting to changing business needs and emerging technologies. Our solution ensures that your applications align with your goals, supporting flexibility and innovation.

  4. Risk Mitigation: Enhance security, compliance, and resilience by identifying and mitigating application, infrastructure, and data security risks. Your Azure environment becomes more robust and secure.

  5. Strategic Alignment: Align your application portfolio with your business strategy. Prioritize resource allocation for maximum value and long-term objectives, ensuring Azure is a strategic asset.

Our Systematic Approach

Our Application Portfolio Rationalization methodology is systematic and data-driven, ensuring a comprehensive assessment:

• Discovery, Assessment, and Categorization

• Cost Analysis and Risk Assessment

• Business Alignment and Prioritization

• Rationalization Roadmap Planning

Key Focus Areas of Assessment

Our assessment questionnaire covers critical areas:

Application overview

• Name, description, and purpose of the application

• Key business processes supported

• Primary users or stakeholders

Business value alignment

• Application’s contribution to business objectives

• Alignment with strategic goals

• Impact of upcoming changes or initiatives

Usage and performance

• Usage pattern (for example, the number of users, frequency)

• Performance and scalability issues

• User feedback or complaints

Technical assessment

• Technology stack or architecture used

• Technical limitations or dependencies

• Infrastructure requirements

Cloud Migration

• Cloud readiness of apps, data, IT infra considering factors like dependencies, resource utilization, performance requirements, and data security

• Migration strategy considering factors like cost, scalability, security, compliance, and performance

• Risks and mitigation plan

Maintenance and support

• Effort and resources for maintenance and support

• Known issues or bugs

Cost analysis

• Licensing and subscription costs

• Infrastructure costs

• Additional costs for maintenance, updates, or customization

Integration and interoperability • Integration with other systems or applications

• Data or process dependencies

• Compatibility issues or limitations

Security and compliance

• Implemented security measures

• Known vulnerabilities or risks

• Compliance with regulations or data protection standards

Future requirements and roadmap

• Impact of upcoming technology changes or trends

• Requisites for supporting new business requirements or emerging technologies

• Development or enhancement roadmap

Stakeholder feedback

• Feedback from users, business owners, or stakeholders

• Pain points, challenges, or enhancement requests

Assessment workflow

• Gather assessment questionnaire responses: Client can take 1-2 weeks to respond

• Validate questionnaire responses and discuss initial conclusions with stakeholders: 1 week for average size portfolio 2-3 weeks for a large and complex portfolio

• Share rationalization roadmap and ballpark estimates: 1-2 weeks for average size portfolio 3-4 weeks for large and complex portfolio

Note: Average size portfolio - approximately around 50 applications

Large-sized portfolio - portfolio with 100-300 applications and up to 100 integrations

Complex-sized portfolio - portfolio with 300+ applications and 100+ integrations