Hadoop to Azure Databricks: 3-Wk Assessment

Nuvento LLC

Create a roadmap for migrating from Hadoop with a Free Assessment

Hadoop has proven unscalable, overly complex and unable to deliver on innovative use cases. Migrating from a big data platform like Hadoop to Azure Databricks will help you scale effectively, simplify your data platform and accelerate innovation with support for analytics, machine learning and AI.

Limitations of Hadoop

Hadoop solved a data problem. However, as time went on and organizations faced new challenges, several limitations of Hadoop came to the fore. They included:

Wasted hardware capacity: Hadoop was designed to be scalable, so it can be easily scaled up to handle large data sets. However, this scalability comes at a cost. In order to be able to scale up, Hadoop clusters need to be provisioned with excess capacity. This excess capacity is often idle, but it still adds to the operational and maintenance costs of the Hadoop cluster.

DevOps burden: Hadoop is a complex platform to manage and operate. This can lead to a significant DevOps burden, as organizations need to devote a significant amount of resources to managing and operating the Hadoop cluster. This DevOps burden can be a major challenge for organizations that do not have the resources or expertise to manage Hadoop.

Increased power costs: Hadoop clusters consume a lot of power. This can lead to increased power costs for organizations that operate Hadoop clusters.

Software version upgrades: Hadoop software is constantly being updated. These updates are often required to ensure that the Hadoop cluster is compatible with the latest data sets and applications. However, these updates can be time-consuming and disruptive, and they can also lead to compatibility issues with existing Hadoop applications.

Hadoop to Azure Databricks Assessment

Our migration assessment starts with a 3-week engagement phase where we layout the best path forward and we set ourselves three markers for better business outcomes.

We understand your existing ecosystem to understand your existing workflows, workloads, and Hadoop cluster implementation. Produce a migration plan we integrate your existing ecosystems and workflows into Azure Databricks in the least amount of time.
Produce a report where we lay down recommendations and details for our migration plans specific to your requirements.
