Azure IoT - 12 days - Proof of Concept

OQuila NV

Digital Eye is an historian, based on Azure Industrial IoT framework and Azure Services, capturing data across different silos and making it available for visualization, integrations, actions & alerts

Production performance, Production loss, and effectively using Production data. Three essential parts of your operations. Three reasons to connect IT (Information Technology) with OT (Operations Technology). To detect correlations between different data sources. To enrich data, and to feed meaningful insights back to the production process. Digital Eye is a digital historian based on Azure IoT and other Services that provides the framework, to connect data captured out of production assets to your enterprise IT Systems. It leverages Azure Industrial IoT, which is built around the principle that new solutions and data must interoperate through industry standards and prevent vendor lock-in. On top of that, Azure IoT provides security-enhanced communication channel for sending and receiving data and Azure IoT Edge assures the needed compatibility between IT and OT solutions for building hybrid IoT applications Under the motto: Capture data once, (re-)use many times, we can reuse the captured data for other, future purposes. A real threshold lowering to make your business future-proof!