Decentralized Identity and Verifiable Credentials: 3 Months Implementation


Provide secure, easy identity management based on Blockchain that enables industries and governments with diverse sets of users to use an identity system and leverage existing trust.

Persistent Digital Identity wallet solution enables industries and governments with diverse sets of users to bootstrap an identity system and leverage existing trust relationships while allowing end-users to maintain complete control of their credentials and identity. End-users manage the entire identity lifecycle from the creation of their identity to the management of keys, migration to new devices, and deletion. The governing entity bootstraps the identity ecosystem by hosting an identity registry on the blockchain. Existing trust relationships can be leveraged by registering known issuers and verifiers within this registry. Users can request credential attestations and store these attestations in their identity app. Users’ identities and attestations are also backed up on their identity hub which is controlled solely by the user. These attestations can be shown to verifiers from the app who can independently verify the presented credentials and the user identity. User identity and credentials are shared with user consent and only with the party that the user is willing to share it with. We offer SDKs that are loosely coupled with Microsoft AZURE services that can be leveraged to quickly bootstrap Verifiable Credential functionality in an existing business workflow. Our standard IP requires Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure App service, Azure Redis cache, and Azure Key Vault secrets to function at scale. Our customers will be required to use these Azure services and hence increase Azure costing.