Surveyor 360 - Data and Analytics: 12 Day Assessment


Assessment of organisations current data landscape and ambitions to design, build and cost azure data platform.

This module examines an organisation’s data and analytics landscape (people, process and technology) and compares this with their goals, with the aim of providing actionable steps that help them progress.

• Analytics maturity survey • Data platform and analytics tools assessment and architecture • Assessment and cataloguing of all existing SQL Servers, including Physical, Virtual and Cloud hosted servers • Scanning of all SQL Servers using Microsoft Data Migration Assistant and Azure Migrate to collect relevant metrics and information relevant to upgrade and migrations • Workshop to review high level SQL Estate and usage patterns • Scanning of all servers to gather server statistics including CPU, memory, disk usage • Analysis of collected statistics to provide upgrade and migration readiness • Workload Analysis of the SQL Servers • Migration Analysis – Best and Equivalent Matching including SQL Azure, Azure SQL Managed Instances and SQL IaaS • Analytics organisational structure • Data users survey/assessment – types of users, what their requirements are, are they being serviced optimally, what options to improve this • Data review – sources, value, type, potential • Skills analysis • Data and Analytics Roadmap • Projected TCO • Document and Present back to client

As part of this analysis we review their current and future azure architecture including proposed best practice deployment leveraging azure services such as Data Factory, SQL PaaS, DataBricks, Synapse and Purview. Alongside 5 year tco and business case for the cloud and defined project pathway / roadmap.

Following the assessment this will be presented back to the organisation to help with your cloud adoption journey.