App Modernization: 2-Week Assessment & Roadmap


This solution is targeted at organizational technical leadership with an expected outcome of a defined roadmap for App Modernization leveraging the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.

As a Microsoft Gold partner with competencies in Application Development and Cloud Platform, RBA will work with your team to develop an incremental roadmap for the application modernization process from current state on premises to Azure.

RBA recognizes every organizations business and technology needs and goals are not all the same. This is not a one-size-fits all Lift-and-Shift approach to modernization, but a customized assessment to the modernization approach best aligned to your organization’s needs.

Our assessment will evaluate the benefits of both re-platforming as well as a full re-factor. Re-platform migrations leveraging Azure IaaS resources, or Azure App Service, AKS, and container strategies can allow your organization to gain additional value out of existing assets. Refactoring, leveraging Azure PaaS services such as Serverless Computing (Azure Functions), Integrations (Azure Service Bus and Azure Event Hub), advanced search (Azure Search) and distributed content delivery (Azure CDN) can enable more flexibility and scale based on your organization’s needs.

Project goals include an assessment of client on-premises custom solutions and evaluation of business and technology goals. We will work with your organization to plan a roadmap, design and high-level architecture for the first steps into Azure based modernization.