Azure Arc - Hybrid and multicloud solutions - 2hours Briefing


Comprehensive Briefing on Azure ARC hybrid and multicloud solutions: Real Case Studies and Benefits Explored

In this 2Hours briefing, Cluster Reply, part of Reply group, will delve into the advanced capabilities and benefits of Azure Arc. Azure Arc provides the flexibility to build applications and services that can run seamlessly across datacenters, at the edge, and in multicloud environments. The briefing will start with an overview of Azure Arc, covering all key components such as centralized governance, resource protection and monitoring, and datacenter modernization. Our discussion will focus on understanding the core features and functionalities of these services and how they can effectively streamline your business operations in a hybrid and multicloud environment. In the second part of the briefing, we will focus on practical applications of Azure Arc. We will present a case study on its use for organization and governance across different environments, emphasizing its unified control plane for Kubernetes clusters and servers, enforcement of company standards via Azure Tags and Azure Policy, and the extension of Azure services to any environment. We will also explore how Azure Arc can protect and monitor resources using tools like Defender for Cloud and the Azure Monitor suite. We will discuss the deployment of Azure Arc, both interactively and at scale, including the installation of the Azure Arc agent on servers using various methods and large-scale deployment using scripts and automation tools. Finally, we will discuss how Azure Arc can modernize datacenters by managing Azure app services, Azure SQL, and Azure PostgreSQL across various environments, and unifying your entire environment by projecting non-Azure and on-premises resources into Azure Resource Manager. This discussion will highlight the versatility and comprehensive capabilities of Azure Arc.