Microsoft Azure AI Workshop

Sii Sp. z o.o.

Two hours workshop for consulting and proposing design concepts and directions. Asses and consult together with Sii experts-how we can introduce AI to improve your existing business process.

Let us know briefly in few sentences about your current situation and needs. Then Sii will organize a 2-3 workshop with our experts – Solution Architects and Domain Leaders, who will analyze your needs and give you their expertise and recommendations, finding with you the best optimal solutions to get started or extend your journey with Microsoft Azure AI Services. Regarding your domain and particular needs we can introduce particular AI services and concepts like: • Azure AI Search • Azure OpenAI • Custom Vision • Face • Document Intelligence • Language understanding • Vision

And much more.

After the workshop Sii will send short document with workshop summary describing: • Current As-Is situation • Top Level Solution Vision • Technology recommendations