.NET MAUI Mobile Application: 3-day Assessment


SSW will work closely with you to understand your spec. We'll give you a detailed analysis, a backlog and roadmap, and cost/effort estimates, empowering you to embark on your cloud and mobile journey.

Lay the Foundations for Modernisation with Expert Insights

Before embarking on your mobile app modernisation journey, understanding the scope, requirements, and potential challenges is crucial. SSW’s .NET MAUI Mobile App Scoping and Assessment offering provides you with a detailed blueprint and roadmap, empowering you to make informed decisions about your project's future.

Our scoping and assessment service is designed to thoroughly evaluate your existing mobile app or conceptualise a new project from the ground up, focusing on integration with Azure's cloud infrastructure.

Our deliverables include

  • Detailed Specification Review: We examine your current specifications or ideas to understand your vision and requirements fully.
  • Blueprint Creation: Our experts create a comprehensive blueprint for your mobile app, detailing the architecture, required Azure services, and integration points.
  • Backlog with Effort Estimates: We provide a detailed backlog of features and enhancements, complete with effort estimates/story points, allowing for accurate budgeting and planning.
  • Strategic Roadmap: Receive a tailored roadmap that outlines the steps necessary for successful modernisation or development, considering your business objectives and timelines.

* Pricing varies based on the scope of the engagement.
