Digital Health App Modernization: 4-Wk Assessment

Taliun LLC

Modernize your apps portfolio or migrate your legacy digital health apps over Azure cloud with our App Modernization Assessment

Our team of Digital Health App Consultant and User Experience expert to assess your current digital health app modernization needs on Azure Cloud. The consultant along with the user experience team will perform discovery on following areas –

  • Analyze Existing use cases and features
  • Analyze existing experience of the app
  • Research on different end user personas
  • Understanding of the current B2B/B2C cloud infrastructure
  • Understanding of the application architecture

App modernization assessment will help you to build secure and scalable application using Azure Cloud services. Azure Cloud provides secure, scalable and interoperable services that are being leveraged for modernizing healthcare apps. By utilizing Azure cloud services, one can significantly reduce time to market new products.

To conduct the analysis, we will need access to following:

  • Demo user accounts on your app
  • Current architecture
  • Access to any existing design document that highlights internal and external interface requirements
  • Access to any existing requirements

Deliverables: Taliun team will work with your team to work on following deliverables -

  • As IS User journey
  • New Information architecture
  • Digital Experience Improvement roadmap
  • Scalable and Reliable Technical Architecture using Azure Cloud
  • Modernization plan

About Taliun - Taliun is a Silicon Valley company, which brings rich healthcare domain experience and technology expertise to power the world of data driven decisions. We help our clients gain competitive advantage using innovative software solutions in the digital economy. Taliun is a Microsoft partner that helps build digital products and experience that drives business results. We are digital engineering and enterprise modernization partner for a number of companies around the globe.

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