Dynamic Customer Profile Creation: 4-week PoC


This pilot is to help the client create a single enriched view about customers using transaction and interaction data by leveraging Azure Data Services and TheDataTeam's Cadence framework.

The 4-week pilot creates a unified customer view having advanced inferred behavioral attributes, preferences, affinities and financial parameters. Azure Data Services technologies of Databricks and Cosmos are customized and implemented.


Week 1 Overview of Cadence framework and its use in helping model customer attributes. Assessment of sources of customer data and finalization of customer profile attributes like facts and inferred facts to be calculated.

Week 2 On-boarding of data to Azure Data Services technologies, and implementation of validation and enrichment rules. Calculation of simple customer facts like age, name, home location from the data.

Week 3 Computation of inferred attributes about the customer like interests, behavior, preferences etc.

Week 4 Creating the final unified customer profile providing a holistic view of the customer.

By the end of the PoC, the client will have a single enriched view about the customers that can then be used to carry out various downstream use cases including making event-triggered personalized offers or executing targeted marketing campaigns.
