GenAI Consulting & Engineering: 6-Wk Implementation

Visionet Systems, Inc

Reimagine your business, IT and boost productivity with GenAI based solutions & practices for your Azure environments.

Visionet, a pioneer in Azure AI driven solutions, recognizes the transformative potential of Gen AI across diverse industries, from insurance and retail to life sciences and pharmaceuticals. By leveraging Gen AI, organizations can reimagine traditional processes, optimize operations and unlock new avenues for growth and profitability.

Reimagining Business with Gen AI: Through tailored offerings for industries such as insurance, retail, and life sciences, Visionet enables businesses to harness the full potential of Gen AI in their Azure environments and drive sustainable growth.

Reimagining IT with Gen AI: Through services tailored for software engineering, security, and Gen Ops, Visionet enables organizations to embark on a transformative journey towards technological excellence leveraging Azure AI and Azure OpenAI.

Boosting Productivity with Gen AI: Through Azure AI solutions tailored for business users, knowledge workers, and leadership, Visionet facilitates the seamless integration of Gen AI into organizational workflows, unlocking new opportunities for growth and success.

Visionet's Gen AI Consulting & Engineering Services

  • Comprehensive Suite:
  • Visionet provides a wide range of consulting and engineering services that are specifically designed for Gen AI adoption using Azures powerful OpenAI and AzureAI capabilities
  • Consulting and Advisory:
  • Offers expert guidance and strategic advice to organizations on how to effectively implement Gen AI technologies on the cloud.
  • Platform Enablement:
  • Assists in setting up the necessary platforms and infrastructure required for Gen AI integration within an organization.
  • Engineering Services:
  • Provides specialized engineering support to develop and customize Gen AI solutions tailored to the unique needs of each client.
  • Empowering Organizations:
  • Aims to empower organizations to navigate the complexities of Gen AI implementation and fully leverage its capabilities.
  • Domain Accelerators:
  • Utilizes domain-specific accelerators to expedite the adoption process and optimize performance in various industries.
  • Gen AI Studio:
  • Offers a dedicated workspace equipped with tools and resources for organizations to experiment, innovate, and develop Gen AI solutions.
  • Co-Pilot Use Cases:
  • Collaborates closely with clients to identify and execute co-pilot use cases, allowing them to learn and adapt alongside Gen AI technologies.
  • Tools, Expertise, and Resources:
  • Equips organizations with the necessary tools, expertise, and resources to succeed in harnessing the power of Gen AI for their cloud environments.

BeSpoke Accelerators:

  • Eugene: Empowering enterprise users with Gen AI.
  • InsureGen: Insurance Automation Platform.
  • SNAPsell: Transformative Retail Platform.
  • Avicenna: Advanced Pharma Innovation Platform.
  • EzCX: Contact Center Optimization.
  • Gen AI Studio: Gen AI platform, streamlining deployment & utilization.

Successes so far: From drug discovery and data modernization to patient adherence and AI chatbots, Visionet exemplifies how Gen AI drives innovation, efficiency, and success in today's dynamic business landscape.

  • Drug Discovery: Enhanced clinical study endpoints with AI sensor data.
  • Data Modernization: Optimized EMR, enabling data-driven clinical operations.
  • Patient Adherence: Identified non-adherence patterns with AI.
  • Metadata Discovery: Built clinical knowledge graph for rapid data access.
  • Gen AI Chatbot: Automated knowledge worker processes with OpenAI models.
  • Pharma Covigilance: Streamlined adverse event detection and coding with AI.

Note: The initial consultancy offered by Visionet will be free of cost. The implementation of the project will be charged based on the scope of the project discovered during consultancy.