Build your web app 3 times faster with Raaghu Design system

WAi Technologies

To build SaaS and Enterprise grade applications 3 times faster using raaghu design system

Why Raaghu?

Raaghu Design System accelerates React application development with a robust, scalable, and flexible framework. Utilizing technologies like React, Bootstrap, and Typescript, Raaghu offers a comprehensive suite of tools and pre-styled UI components, reducing development time significantly. Its micro frontend architecture ensures modular, maintainable, and efficient code, perfect for modern, high-performance web applications.

ABP Platform Integration:

Raaghu seamlessly integrates with ABP platform, which is a .NET accelerator for building an API backend super fast and offering pre-built application modules like Account, Audit Logging, Chat, CMS Kit, Language Management, Forms, File Management, GDPR, Raaghu Theming, OpenIddict UI, Payment, SaaS, Text Template Management, and Blogging. Your application can have a react frontend for both .NET Microservices or modular monolith Architecture based API backend with ABP platform.

Approach to Application Development using Raaghu & ABP platform:

Raaghu emphasizes a component-driven approach, allowing developers to build and test UI components in isolation using Storybook, enhancing code reusability and maintainability. With its extensive library of customizable themes and components, Raaghu adapts quickly to brand-specific requirements. Its internationalization and accessibility features ensure your applications cater to a global audience, adhering to best practices and standards. ABP platform provides a .NET Core API based multi-tenant application with an admin portal with enterprise ready prebuilt features.

Key Deliverables

• A modern full stack web application with enterprise ready features • Complete source code on your GitHub/AzureDevOps • Complete application testing • Product backlog with user stories, test cases and CI/CD pipeline on Azure DevOps/tool of your choice • Fullstack application : React frontend and ABP platform API backend on .NET Core • Post production on-demand support

Key Benefits

• Pre-styled UI Components: Ready-to-use components for rapid integration. • Responsive Grid System: Ensures a seamless experience across devices. • Customizable Themes: Easily adapt to unique branding needs. • Efficient Data Binding: Facilitates fast, two-way data updates. • End-to-End Support: Comprehensive support for smooth development and deployment. • Internationalization (i18n): Build applications for diverse language audiences. • Accessibility Features: Adherence to accessibility standards for inclusive design.