Strengthen Your Azure Security - 3 days Comprehensive Risk Assessment


Identify and address security gaps in Azure with our Risk Assessment. Gain insights, tailored recommendations, and best practices to strengthen your security and maintain compliance.

Strengthen Your Azure Security - 3 days Comprehensive Risk Assessment

AVASOFT's process for Azure Security Risk Assessment ensures robust security tailored to your organizational needs.

Our Approach unfolds in the following stages:

  1. Discovery and Assessment
  2. Risk Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment
  3. Recommendation and Remediation Plan

Discovery and Assessment

  • Thorough inventory and asset mapping for Azure resources.
  • In-depth review of current security controls, including network configurations and Azure Security Center settings.
  • Evaluation of compliance adherence based on regulatory requirements and industry best practices.

Risk Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment

  • Strategic threat modeling to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Comprehensive vulnerability scanning across Azure infrastructure and applications.
  • Assessment of the effectiveness of Identity and Access Management (IAM) in Azure Active Directory.

Recommendations and Remediation Planning

  • Compilation of a detailed report summarizing discovered vulnerabilities, risks, and compliance issues.
  • Prioritization of remediation efforts based on severity and potential impact.
  • Development of a robust remediation plan, including actionable steps to enhance overall security.
  • Conducting training sessions for key stakeholders, ensuring knowledge transfer on security best practices and Azure security features.
  • The commitment to ongoing monitoring and continuous improvement is integral to AVASOFT's approach, ensuring the sustained strength of the security posture in the Azure environment.

What we do?

  • Identity and Access protection
  • Authorization and Permissions
  • Security policies & compliance
  • Incidence response plan
  • Monitoring & logging
  • Integration & Federation

Key Benefits

  • Comprehensive Security Audit: Gain deep visibility into your Azure environment's security controls, configurations, and architecture through a comprehensive assessment covering identity and access management, network security, data protection, and more.
  • Vulnerability Identification: Identify and prioritize security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations within your Azure environment, enabling proactive risk mitigation and defense strengthening.
  • Customized Roadmap: Receive a tailored roadmap outlining actionable recommendations and best practices for enhancing the security and compliance posture of your Azure environment, aligned with your organization's goals and priorities.


  • Comprehensive Assessment Report: Detailed inventory and asset mapping, along with an in-depth review of current security controls, compliance adherence, and actionable recommendations.
  • Risk Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment Report: Strategic threat modeling results, comprehensive vulnerability scanning findings, and assessment of IAM effectiveness in Azure AD.
  • Remediation Plan: Prioritized remediation efforts, robust remediation plan development, and training sessions for key stakeholders to ensure knowledge transfer on security best practices and Azure security features.

By leveraging AVASOFT's structured approach, your organization can enhance its Azure security, protect sensitive data, and ensure compliance with best practices, providing a secure and efficient environment.