Azure IoT: 2 days Proof of Concept

Cloudpro ApS

Cloudpro will deliver a 2 days Proof of Concept to demonstrate how to connect an IoT device to Azure IoT Hub and get data for analytics, reporting and more.

Let Cloudpro show you how to connect an IoT device to Azure IoT Hub, flow the data through Stream Analytics, store data in Azure SQL Server and show the data using a dashboard for Analysis, Reporting and Alerts.

Cloudpro includes free IoT demo hardware.


  • Demonstration on how to connect an IoT devices to Azure IoT Hub. Cloudpro will include a free demo IoT device for this PoC.
  • Develop a data flow through Stream Analytics/Azure Function to SQL Server.
  • Develop an Alert scenario to demonstrate how Azure Stream Analytics/Microsoft Flow can be used to raise an alert when the IoT device senses an error.
  • Develop a dashboard to demonstrate real-time IoT device analysis.


Day 1 – IoT Review and Setup.

  • Azure IoT Architecture overview.
  • Develop PoC scenario specific to client requirements.
  • IoT device setup.
  • Azure environment setup.
  • Start PoC development.

Day 2 – IoT PoC development.

  • Finish PoC development.
  • Demonstrate completed PoC to client.
  • Identify potential client IoT projects.
  • Develop high-level estimates/next-steps.

We will let you keep the working Proof of Concept including the IoT device.

Cloudpro delivers reliable, simple and well-engineered IoT solutions including own developed sensors, dashboards and apps. As a Microsoft Silver-certified Independent Software Vendor and Cloud Partner, Cloudpro is delivering solid IT expertise together with Microsoft.