LLMOps: 12-Wk Implementation

Spyglass MTG, LLC

LLMOps: 12-Week Implementation is designed to provide the right tools and techniques for efficient management and performance measurement of Generative AI Prompts.

LLMOps: 12-Wk Implementation is designed to provide the right tools and techniques for efficient management and performance measurement of Generative AI Prompts. Over the course of 12 weeks, our expert team will work with you to implement a system that provides effective control over your Gen AI solutions, ensuring optimal performance.

This offer gets customers started on or extends their use of Microsoft Azure by working with their current LLM Application and crafting a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) operations framework. Customers can go from development to production through a unified Azure DevOps and AI architecture.

The key features: Monitoring: Our solution offers monitoring capabilities, allowing organizations to track the responses generated by their language models as they happen or integrated as part of a test harness. This helps in identifying any inaccurate or misleading information being produced.
Accuracy Assessment: Our offer includes use of tools to evaluate the accuracy of language model responses. These tools leverage natural language processing techniques to analyze the generated text and identify any inaccuracies or errors.
Stability Analysis: Understanding the stability of language model responses is crucial in maintaining reliable outputs. Our solution includes advanced metrics and analysis techniques to measure the stability of responses over time. This helps in identifying any inconsistencies or drift in the model's behavior.
Customizable Alerts: Our offer allows organizations to set up customizable alerts based on specific criteria. This ensures that any deviations from desired accuracy or stability thresholds are promptly flagged, enabling timely interventions.
Performance Metrics: We provide comprehensive performance metrics that give organizations insights into the quality and reliability of their generated content. These metrics help in tracking the system’s performance over time and making informed decisions for ongoing improvements. AGENDA Weeks 1-3: Comprehensive operations review LLM use case and usage review LLMOps Strategy Weeks 4-8: LLMOps Design Prompt Monitoring Prompt Evaluation
Performance Monitoring Exploratory Data Analysis tools design Use-Case based design Evaluation design Access Control Design and Documentation Weeks 9-12: Setup and configuration of performance and prompt evaluation tools Testing and refining the system Training sessions and documentation for your team
Final review and sign-off Deliverables At the end of the 12-week period, you will have a fully implemented system for managing and measuring the performance of your Generative AI / LLM Solutions.
