Get React MVP completed in 15 days!

WAi Technologies

To deliver React MVP (frontend application hosted on Azure) in a record time of 15 days targeting companies using ABP platform.


Introducing our "15-Day MVP Challenge," a specialized consulting service designed for companies leveraging the ABP platform and seeking rapid front-end development using React. Our unique offering ensures the delivery of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), which is a react based frontend application hosted on Azure within an accelerated timeline of just 15 days. This service is ideal for businesses aiming to modernize their front-end interfaces and enhance customer experiences without compromising their backend code.

Target Audience

This for companies using ABP Platform. You can outsource frontend development even if your backend is not ready.

If you are: • working on .net and not interested in developing UI on your own? • not ready to disclose your IP by revealing/outsourcing your backend code? • looking to modernize your frontend and improve customer experience? • keen to develop ABP products faster?

We will develop your custom react pages upto 15 screens and connect them to mock api services.

Value proposition & Key Features

• Expedited Delivery: Achieve a fully functional MVP in just 15 days, significantly reducing your time to market. • Component-Based Architecture: Benefit from a robust, modular project structure that facilitates easy integration with third- party components. • No Upfront Costs: Pay only upon successful completion of the project, ensuring risk-free engagement. • Raaghu Design System: Enjoy the added advantage of our proprietary Raaghu Design System at no additional cost, providing a comprehensive suite of components, elements, layouts, pages, and modules. • Custom Development: We will develop up to 15 custom React pages tailored to your needs and connect them to mock API services, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Add-On Benefits

• Confidentiality: Maintain the confidentiality of your intellectual property by outsourcing only the front-end development, without disclosing your backend code. • Flexibility: Ideal for .NET users who prefer not to develop UI in-house or wish to focus on backend development while we handle the front-end. • Enhanced Speed: Experience component-driven web app development that is three times faster, ensuring quick turnaround and efficient project delivery.

Why Choose Us?

• Expertise: Our team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in React and ABP platform development. • Proven Track Record: We have a history of successfully delivering high-quality MVPs, helping businesses accelerate their development cycles and achieve their goals faster. • Customer-Centric Approach: Our services are designed to meet the specific needs of our clients, providing tailored solutions that enhance their business capabilities.

Once the React MVP is created it will be hosted on Customers Azure subscription through an Azure web app service. For customers who wish to connect this MVP to a backend API, we will create an application based on .NET Core API and host on Azure as a separate paid service.

Transform your front-end development with our 15-Day MVP Challenge and take your project from concept to reality in record time. Contact us today to get started and see how we can help you achieve your development goals efficiently and effectively.