ChainTrail Data-Interchange

ThynkBlynk Technologies Private Limited

ChainTrail Data-Interchange

ThynkBlynk Technologies Private Limited

ChainTrail.Com is a Trust enabling data-interchange bolted on Blockchain

ThynkBlynk are creators of ChainTrail.Com, a Trust enabling data-interchange powered by Ecosystem participants. In any jurisdiction (India, UAE, EU etc), responsibility for ‘Trust Creation’ & ‘Trust Keeping’ is shared by such ‘Trust-Creating’ participants made possible by bolting ChainTrail.Com on top of distributed ledger technology – Blockchain   Through this Trust ecosystem, ChainTrail delivers 4 key outcomes - Lightening Speed in execution of B2B and B2P Interactions, Unprecedented Cost Reduction per Interaction, Immense Empowerment for Businesses & People and finally, Easy deployment of cross-industry work-flows/use-cases to scale delivery of value as well as utilization of our product. Some of the key use cases for CT.Com are in Edtech, HR Data @ Enterprises, Fintech and Asset Traceability areas.