ClearDATA Managed Health Cloud with CyberHealth™ Platform

Cleardata Networks, Inc.

ClearDATA Managed Health Cloud with CyberHealth™ Platform

Cleardata Networks, Inc.

Healthcare’s largest managed cloud provider, powered by industry-leading CyberHealth platform.

Healthcare’s digital transformation is only possible when tethered to a robust compliance program. Innovating at scale while staying on top of an ever-evolving regulatory landscape requires cloud and healthcare expertise, automation, vigilance and reporting.

ClearDATA is healthcare’s largest managed cloud service provider, powered by industry-leading CyberHealth platform and Policy-as-Code™ Engine. Our sophisticated tooling delivers a cloud ecosystem that prevents, detects, and remediates compliance drift and sensitive data security gaps, automating and enforcing continuous multi-cloud security and compliance with hundreds of regulatory frameworks. Collectively, our software and managed services support deep capabilities to keep your data safe — across healthcare cloud Operations, Detection, and Assessments & Risk Management.

Secure Your Cloud Environment And Keep it That Way
The CyberHealth platform comes with hardened images according to CIS benchmarks as well as in-depth documentation including proven, proprietary healthcare technical reference architectures — mapped to HIPAA, HITRUST, and GDPR - that integrate the highest standards of security designed specifically to help your teams protect sensitive healthcare data.

  • Policy-as-Code Engine – We protect healthcare in the cloud with a deep understanding of healthcare privacy regulations, we prescribe exactly how to comply with standards like HIPAA and GDPR. Our platform configures the appropriate technical controls for more than 70 cloud services.
  • Privacy, Security & Compliance Visualization – Get line of sight into the security of your cloud environment. Visualize security vulnerabilities and automatically remediate them while validating and auditing using our compliance status reporting feature.
  • Automated Safeguards – Our platform continually identifies any non-compliant actions and remediates to mitigate risk of vulnerabilities that may expose sensitive data. This helps you adhere to compliance standards and keep your sensitive data always protected.
  • Audit-Ready, Actionable Reports – Simplify the process of demonstrating your culture of continuous compliance. Create scheduled or on-demand reports on compliance status based on cloud service, regulatory framework, region, or business segments. Report on IT elements such as virus scans, intrusion detection, logging, back-up and encryption.
  • PHI/PII Configuration – Not every HIPAA-eligible cloud service is automatically configured to handle PHI. Out platform configures your cloud service correctly and documents it for your reference. We also help you work through compliance considerations like data flow when connecting services.

Risks just aren’t worth taking in healthcare

Many organizations suffer from talent shortages of full-time cyber security staff related to strained budgets or lack of availability of highly skilled professionals. ClearDATA Managed Defense, included with ClearDATA Managed Cloud, acts as an extension of your security team, combining healthcare-centric cyber threat intelligence, best-of-breed security technology, and expert-level knowledge to protect healthcare organizations from modern cyber threats. All while minimizing false positives and response times.

ClearDATA Managed Defense team members deploy, maintain, tune, monitor, and react to threats detected by the following security technologies:

  • Cloud Workload Protection for Virtual Machines – Agent-based technology designed to protect client operating systems & applications.
  • Threat Detection for Containers & Kubernetes – ClearDATA deploys a fully managed technology capable of identifying and alerting on suspicious behaviors and other anomalies that occur inside containerized application and their supporting infrastructure.
  • Vulnerability Lifecycle Management – Vulnerabilities represent security gaps that could be abused by attackers to access critical infrastructure and steal sensitive information. Operating system and application vulnerabilities are at the epicenter of most successful cyber-attacks.