Fraud Detection Solution Accelerator on Azure: 6-week Consulting Service with IP

Advancing Analytics

Safeguarding Against Insurance Fraud through Azure AI-Powered Fraud Detection

Insurance fraud has always been a thorn in the side of the financial world. Financial institutions are constantly on guard against the continuing threat of inflated operational costs, skyrocketing premiums, and the erosion of consumer trust through undetected fraud. Advancing Analytics’ Fraud Detection Solution emerges as the tried and tested method armed with cutting-edge weaponry - state-of-the-art techniques!

Utilising the power of AI and machine learning, the solution has been shown to effectively mitigate undetected fraud. It adopts a sophisticated combined model, amalgamating anomaly detection and supervised learning to improve its capturing ability by up to 20%. This model is adaptable, continuously learning and retraining itself with each exposure to new data, staying ahead of the curve as new fraudulent mechanisms are starting to come into play.

The solution uses the following Azure services:

  • Azure Machine Learning
  • Azure OpenAI
  • Azure Databricks
  • Azure Data Services