Azure Marketplace
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Azure Marketplace
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Azure Marketplace
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Azure Marketplace
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Áreas de solución
App Modernization
AI + Machine Learning
Backup >
Big Data
Data Platform
Datacenter Management
Disaster Recovery
Internet of Things
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Todos los resultados
Azure BCDR Offering: 2-Wk Implementation
1 out of 60
Azure Managed Services: 12 Month Implementation
2 out of 60
Azure Stack HCI: 4 Week Implementation
3 out of 60
Avanade Azure VMware Solution Offering
4 out of 60
Migração: Azure e SQL Server : 3-Wk Implementação
5 out of 60
Disaster Recovery as a Service - 10 Days Implementation
6 out of 60
Azure Migration & Implementation 2-WK
7 out of 60
Cyber Recovery Implementation Services on Microsoft Azure
8 out of 60
Azure Implementation & Services 2-Weeks
9 out of 60
Azure延伸混和雲平台Azure StackHCI 解決方案 3-Wk Implementation
10 out of 60
Servers/VMs Migration to Azure: 2h briefing
11 out of 60
Azure Site Recovery: 2h briefing
12 out of 60
Alfresco Consultation: 2-hr of Briefing
13 out of 60
14 out of 60
SAP on Azure: 3 weeks Assessment
15 out of 60
Azure Architect Consulting
16 out of 60
CPGXPress-SAP S/4HANA Industry Solution for CPG Industry
17 out of 60
Data Security: 2-Days Workshop
18 out of 60
Microsoft Azure Server Infrastructure: 2-Days Workshop
19 out of 60
Backup & Disaster Recovery for Microsoft Azure: 1-Day Assessment
20 out of 60
Azure Stack HCI Services
21 out of 60
SAP Cloud Infrastructure Advisory: 1-3 Days Workshop
22 out of 60
Backup & DR: 2-Days Workshop
23 out of 60
Backup & DR: 2-Hours Briefing
24 out of 60
Data Security: 1-Day Assessment
25 out of 60
Data Security on Azure: 2-Days Workshop
26 out of 60
Server Infrastructure: 2-Hours Briefing
27 out of 60
Data Security: 2-Hours Briefing
28 out of 60
Infosys Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Transformation Offering 1 Months Implementation
29 out of 60
Disaster Recovery on Azure
30 out of 60
Lifecare SAP S/4HANA Pharma Manufacturing Industry Solution
31 out of 60
ChemXpress SAP S/4HANA Chemical Manufacturing Solution
32 out of 60
MfgXpress SAP S/4HANA Discrete Manufacturing Industry Solution
33 out of 60
Retail 24x7 Managed Services for Azure
34 out of 60
Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration: 4 Weeks Proof of Concept
35 out of 60
Infosys Windows 365 Virtual Desktop Transformation
36 out of 60
Innovation Anywhere with Azure ARC: 5 Week Implementation
37 out of 60
Azure Backup: 1-Week Proof Of Concept
38 out of 60
39 out of 60
IN - Azure_Backup
40 out of 60
Disaster Recovery as a Service - 10 Days Implementation
41 out of 60
HCLTech Cloud Application Reliability Engineering (CARE) for Azure
42 out of 60
Disaster Recovery in Azure
43 out of 60
Natilik Terraform Assessment: 1-wk audit
44 out of 60
Services for Microsoft Azure Stack HCI
45 out of 60
OnPrem to Azure Cloud Disaster Recovery Solution: 6 Weeks workshop
46 out of 60
Azure Well Architected Review: 3 Day workshop
47 out of 60
Avanade Cloud Impact 2-Hr Workshop
48 out of 60
HCLTech's Disaster Recovery Solution on Azure (RecoverNXT)
49 out of 60
HCLTech's PDOC Data Modernization and Migration Services
50 out of 60
Devoteam Azure Managed Cloud - 10 week implementation
51 out of 60
IBM Consulting Global Oracle Database Migration to Azure
52 out of 60
HCLTech's Cybersecurity Services
53 out of 60
Dell Implementation Services for Microsoft Azure Site Recovery
54 out of 60
Azure resources monitoring setup
55 out of 60
Azure Backup Consult and Deployment: from 1-Wk Implementation
56 out of 60
Azure Site Recovery Consult and Deployment: from 3-Wks Implementation
57 out of 60
Cloud Migration
58 out of 60
Azure Assessment
59 out of 60
Intelligent healthcare platform
60 out of 60