Build & Modernize Apps with Azure AI: 8-Wk Proof of Concept

Celestial Systems Inc

Help customers build and modernize AI apps on Azure, providing full support from AI model customization to app deployment, boosting innovation and competitiveness.

Innovate on Azure, a comprehensive suite of cloud services from Microsoft, is designed to help accelerate the AI Innovation Journey for customers.

Celestial offers a 8-Week Proof of Concept (POC) engagement tailored to empower organizations in crafting a pilot that unlocks the potential of AI, delivering unparalleled insights into innovation opportunities and paving the way for a successful Data/AI transformation journey. Designed by Celestial, the Azure Innovate with AI Apps 8-week POC provides a comprehensive deployment plan to modernize or build new applications using Azure's cutting-edge application, database, and AI services. This offer is a gateway to harnessing the power of AI to help identify opportunities for innovation and create an AI roadmap for success.

Weeks 1 – 2: Discover the AI Potential for Business Impact Identify: Pinpoint the perfect application within the business for AI-driven transformation. Assess: Analyze the chosen application and define specific business needs for innovation. Also, define the success criteria. Explore: Collaborate, Architect and Explore Azure's vast selection of AI services, including Azure Open AI Services, Azure Cognitive Services, Machine Learning, and Data Analytics.

Weeks 2 – 6: Piloting the AI Solution Develop: Build a pilot application leveraging relevant Azure services customized to unique requirements. Deploy: Deploy the pilot application to Microsoft Azure, providing users with a hands-on experience and early insights. Test & Iterate: Test and analyze the pilot's performance, refining the solution for optimal business and technical results.

Weeks 7 - 8: Develop the Production AI Roadmap Analyze: Analyze the pilot's data and findings, highlighting successes and areas for improvement. Develop Roadmap: Provide guidance and resources to ensure a smooth and successful transition to full-scale implementation. Develop Rollout Plan: Collaborate to create a comprehensive deployment plan for the AI solution, outlining the next steps and timelines.

Deliverables from Celestial

  1. Comprehensive solution architecture utilizing applications, data, and AI services within the Azure environment.
  2. Pilot AI Application deployed and running on Microsoft Azure
  3. High level roadmap and deployment plan document for evolving the Pilot AI App, utilizing Azure Platform App Services, Data, and AI services.

Benefits to Customers

Unleash Business Value: Identify opportunities to improve efficiency, increase revenue, and/or enhance customer experience with Microsoft AI. Accelerate the AI Innovation Journey: Gain early insights and validate the AI concept through a pilot deployment. Expert Guidance: Benefit from the expertise of Celestial's Certified Azure Architects and AI specialists. Clear Roadmap for Production AI: Get a tailored deployment plan for a successful implementation.