Azure Infrastructure & Data Assessment 10-Days

Monika Duerr License Consult

End-to-end analysis and mapping of the entire IT estate, taking into consideration current deployment, usage, processes and data. The analysis will be the basis for the future cloud strategy.

Azure Data & Infrastructure Assessments - 10 Days of performance countering from your existing Infrastructure. The goal is to have a suitable cost overview for migrating VM, Storage and Databases to the Azure Cloud.

Project Scope Definition: Together we define the scope of the project. Important parameters for us are the number of data centers and the number of target systems. Are other external partners involved? e.g. an external data center operator?

Agreement: In this phase, we clarify the costs or the assumption of the costs for this project. We are preparing a Letter of Engagement (LoE) describing the project and defining the services. We clarify the activation of necessary licenses and agree on a common schedule.

Setup/Installation: Together, we define a suitable setup for your company in order to be able to carry out the data collection with Movere. After completing the preparations we carried out the Movere setup through our support, remotely.

Data Collection: The system first performs an inventory of the target systems. Subsequently, performance data is collected over the previously defined period.

Reporting: After the data collection is complete, we create a final presentation where the main key points are summarized (different cost scenarios for Azure VM & Storage, recorded systems, other findings). In addition, we prepare a workbook. In this workbook, all systems are recorded with all the necessary information. We present the determined performance data and determine the appropriate Azure VM & Storage profiles.

This will be the first step to your cloud migration to Azure.