Azure OpenAI Discovery Workshop

Nordcloud an IBM company

Explore how your organisation can implement and benefit from Azure OpenAI

With features like writing assistance, data-based reasoning, summarisation and code generation, Azure OpenAI can help streamline numerous business functions while enhancing customer experiences.

But what’s the best way to incorporate it into your business processes?

After all, you need to consider security, responsible AI and privacy when planning adoption and encouraging staff to use these cutting-edge technologies.

We help you plan the right approach through a Nordcloud Azure OpenAI Discovery Workshop.

Our experts take you through a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to OpenAI adoption, aligning the right stakeholders from within your organisation and providing trusted advice.

At the end of the workshop your key stakeholders will have:

  • Aligned business objectives and product/service vision
  • A shared understanding of the problems and challenges you’re trying to solve with OpenAI
  • Customer journey maps - describing the current and future states
  • Defined key requirements and expected outcomes
  • Target audience, customers and user groups identified
  • List of realistic OpenAI use cases

Contact us for a free 1-hour briefing, to learn more about:
  • How Azure OpenAI can help you streamline processes and improve experiences (while ensuring security and privacy)
  • Pricing