Azure Innovation WorkLab - 1-day workshop

prodot GmbH

Together, in this Architecture Design Session workshop, we will create and document demand-driven solution architecture for your software.

Azure Innovation WorkLab Agenda

  1. Defining the aims of the Architecture Design Session workshop
  2. Joint planning
  3. Analysis of the technical and functional requirements of the system
  4. Introduction to and selection of available Azure cloud services/cloud environments for the aims outlined
  5. Development of a Azure cloud or hybrid-cloud architecture using tried and tested cloud architecture patterns, which, among other things, enables an initial cost calculation
  6. Test deployment for customer evaluation
  7. Joint evaluation of the ADS results
  8. Outlook and next steps

Aims – What do we want to achieve?

Together, in this workshop, we will create and document demand-driven solution architecture for your software. A price calculation can then be made based on these results. In addition, you will also receive a test deployment on your own Azure subscription for testing.

Overview – What form does the ADS take?

Number of participants: max. 8
Target group: Development managers, decision-makers (specific departments & IT), project participants
Dates: On request (with 2 weeks prep time)
Location: Remote or at prodot
Follow-up measures: PoC

Organisational considerations – How is the Innovation WorkLab structured?

Step 1: Coordination meeting in advance
Step 2: Preparation
Step 3: 1-day ADS workshop
Step 4: Documentation
Step 5: Follow-up meeting and outlook

Contact – How to get in touch with us.

Let’s start by getting to know each other better – no strings attached.