One-stop IoT Development Kit and Cloud-Native IoT Platform
WISE-PaaS/IoTSuite is the cornerstone of industrial IoT applications. It covers a set of development kits which enable the rapid development of industrial IoT applications, as well as cloud-native applications, and data management platforms. A complete IoT platform can be built quickly through a low-code development kit. This kit uses a three step process — device access and management, data acquisition and storage, and data visualization. Users of cloud-native applications and data management platforms simply focus on business innovations while improving efficiency/security, reducing costs, and implementing agile application development and platform operations. By using WISE-PaaS/IoTSuite and overlaying industry applications with a micro-service architecture, users can build domain focused solutions for industry clouds.
What's Inside
- DataHub
- Dashboard
- SaaS Composer
- Notification
- RabbitMQ
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- InfluxDB
- Redis
- EnSaaS-K8s-Service
- EnSaaS-DB-Services
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