Automated Backup and Restore for Azure DevOps by Backrightup

Parserr Pty Ltd

Automated Backup and Restore for Azure DevOps by Backrightup

Parserr Pty Ltd

Azure DevOps backup with on-demand restores to protect your business data with ease

#1 Automated Azure DevOps Backup and Restore Solution

Protect Azure DevOps Data before it's too late!

Backrightup is the world leading automated backup and restore solution, tailor-made for Azure DevOps environments protecting the most highly compliant driven organizations globally. It's designed to effortlessly safeguard everything from Repositories, Boards, Releases, Artifacts to Work Items, Pipelines, and more, ensuring your business-critical data is always protected from accidental deletion, malicious deletion, account compromises, service downtime ransomware attacks, platform dependence, and compliance.

  • Powerful Azure DevOps Automation: integrate with Azure DevOps and protect your entire Azure DevOps application within in minutes, including protection across multiple organizations.
  • Backup Visibility: Gain unparalleled insights into the backup status of your entire organization through a single, intuitive dashboard.
  • Restore Visibility: Monitor and manage your restoration processes with ease, ensuring every critical piece of data is accounted for.
  • Multi-Tenancy: Effortlessly replicate backups across multiple locations, enhancing operational efficiency and assurance.
  • Unmatched Security: Benefit from security protocols that meet the stringent requirements of Tier 1 & 2 Financial Services and Federal Government standards.
  • Fast Setup and Rapid Execution: Perform comprehensive backups of your entire Azure DevOps environment in minutes, not hours.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Automated reporting (daily, weekly, or monthly) provides essential oversight, management, and compliance support.
  • Easy-to-use: Intuitive interface to set up and manage your back up efficiently. A few simple clicks allow you to start backups, track their progress, and examine comprehensive logs to verify data integrity.

World-Class Restore Capability
With Backrightup, data restoration is not just a feature—it's a guarantee. Our one-click restore functionality ensures that any item can be brought back at any time, quickly and efficiently. This means your development team can continue focusing on innovation, with minimal downtime. Guarantee business continuity with dedicated restore testing and reporting making sure you are assured your data is available when the worst-case scenario strikes.

Meet today's Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) through rapid backup and instant recovery, guided by policy-based data lifecycle and retention management. Guarantee robust protection against ransomware and simplify your backup processes to lower costs and complexity. Confidently fulfill your Service Level Objectives (SLOs) with this streamlined approach.

Comprehensive Coverage

Backrightup ensures the preservation of all crucial elements within your Azure DevOps ecosystem, offering peace of mind and complete project restoration capabilities. Protect and restore critical components including:

  • Artifacts
  • Agent Pools/Queues
  • Repos (Git & TFVC)
  • Pipelines
  • Processes
  • Releases
  • Task Groups
  • Variables Groups
  • Shared Queries
  • Wikis (Code & Project)
  • Pull Requests
  • Boards
  • Dashboards
  • Teams
  • Settings

Problems We Solve: Backrightup is not just a tool; it's a solution that protects your most critical data. We make sure you have full protection, and access to your most critical data at any time by:
  1. Unlimited Retention: Elevate beyond Microsoft's 28-day retention policy to unlimited, enabling restoration of accidentally deleted items, at any time.
  2. Backup Granularity: Choose to back up what matters most, down to the most critical individual entities.
  3. Business Continuity: Achieve immediate restoration within minutes, eliminating the wait to restore time-sensitive data.
  4. Granular Restore: Avoid rolling back the entire organization for a single recovery; restore specific items, be it an individual entity or an entire project.
  5. Compliance: Ensure backups meet global standards including SOC 2 Type 2, APRA, and ISO27001, GDPR, HIPAA, among others.
  6. Instant Data Protection: Protect your data while you develop internal business cases for a long-term comprehensive Disaster Recovery strategy, preventing data corruption and saving the need for extensive and complex script development.

Why Choose Backrightup? You're not just getting Azure DevOps data protection; you're investing in the resilience and continuity of your development processes. Protect your data, so you can focus on what you do best: Innovating.