Help AG Sentinel Workshop

Help AG

We invite organizations to explore our Sentinel workshop on the Microsoft Marketplace, collaborate with our experts, and embark on a journey towards robust and proactive cybersecurity practices.

Microsoft Sentinel Workshop Overview : The Microsoft Sentinel Workshop is an engagement that helps you assess your security landscape, address your most pressing security goals and challenges, and provide an immersive experience that brings the Microsoft security vision and capabilities to life. As part of the workshop, you will: Better understand, prioritize, and mitigate potential threats. Work together with us to define a list of next steps based on your needs, objectives, and results from the Microsoft Sentinel Workshop. Learn how you can accelerate your security journey together with Microsoft. The delivery includes activities such as: Discover threats, gain visibility into threats to your Microsoft 365 cloud and on-premises environments across email, identity and data in order to better understand, prioritize and mitigate potential cyberattack vectors. Understand how to mitigate threats, help you understand how Microsoft 365 and Azure security products can help you mitigate and protect against the threats found during the period of this engagement. Plan next steps, receive the information required for you to onboard Microsoft Sentinel.

The Microsoft Sentinel Workshop will also allow you to: Understand the features and benefits Microsoft Sentinel, a cloud native SIEM. Have next steps planned for the production deployment of Microsoft Sentinel.