AI-enabled Applications: 2-days Ideation Workshop

inovex GmbH

Artificial Intelligence is said to be the future - but how can you leverage its full potential as a company? We help you identify the most promising AI use cases for your company.

ChatGPT, deep learning, predictive analytics, chatbot... In our two-day workshop, we develop a roadmap that transforms abstract buzzwords around the data and AI hype into concrete work packages and next steps, so that you can successfully use data and AI in your business. We will dive into questions such as "What are the most valuable use cases for data and AI in your company?", "What practical implications does AI have for your business?" and "What are the next steps to be taken?".

Our workshop incorporates the following topics:

  • Input session by our experts on topics such as AI use cases in your industry, architectural designs for your data platform leveraging Azure's capabilities, agile development of data products, data quality analysis and assurance
  • Discussion of your business model
  • Status quo analysis of your data landscape and analytics system
  • Deep dive into selected use cases
  • Prioritization & roadmapping: identifying the next most important steps for your business concerning data & AI

About inovex:

Due to our close collaboration with Microsoft for years, we gained deep expertise in the rapidly evolving Azure ecosystem. Our extensive experience enables us to effectively assist our customers in adopting new technologies. Our Azure experts can provide valuable insights into the benefits of Azure services and guide you in unlocking their full potential.

What makes us stand out is our focus on and passion for research and development – especially in Artificial Intelligence. These core values strongly resonate with the dynamic field of Generative AI, allowing us to navigate its quickly evolving landscape with significant efficacy.