PM Data Platform Build: 8-Wk-Impl


Property Mgmt. Analytics as a Service - 8-week implementation of a custom Azure Data Analytics Platform for your real estate business.

At Intrava we help property management companies consolidate their data and derive actionable insights from disparate data systems. Building a data platform is complex, can take years, and can be prohibitively expensive. Finding the right tools and resources to do the job is challenging, and once past that hurdle you have to write integrations from scratch and invent your own data processing framework, warehouse schema, and dashboards. These projects fail at a staggering rate (>50%) because they take too long and cost too much.

We believe that companies operating in the same space, with the same data and systems, and similar information needs, shouldn't have to spend hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars and years building and implementing a cloud-based data analytics platform from scratch. Hence, with our 20-years of experience in the business intelligence space, we've put together a data platform optimized for property data, which can be implemented in weeks, not years.

In this offering, we focus on integrating your two most important data systems, Property Management System and Accounting System, into a fully managed and custom Azure Data Analytics Platform.

We can build the data platform using a variety of tools (depending on your data and its attributes), below are some of the most important Azure tools: Azure Data Factory, Azure Function, Azure DB, Azure Storage/Data Lake, Azure Data Warehouse, Azure Analysis Services, PowerBI (Services can be deployed using your existing MS agreements or through Intrava as a subscription)

Implementation process Day 1: Spend a half-day walking through how you export reports from your PMS and ACCT systems and give us database access Week 1-3: Intrava start the technical implementation (pulling data onto your Azure Data Platform) Week 4-8: Intrava and customer hold weekly meetings to tweak data model and dashboards to represent your business logic

Additionally, you can subscribe to your AaaS solution.