Disaster Recovery Discovery: 4-day assessment


A disaster recovery strategy details the steps needed to enable a business to be back up and running following a critical incident.

Cobweb’s Disaster Recovery Service has been created to support any business looking to address disaster recovery challenges. Whether for a single on-premises server, a small comms room or a full-blown data centre, replicating services to the public cloud delivers increased agility, enhanced security and lower costs. The service is based around a one-day discovery assessment, onsite engagement with three days' wrap-round prep, report writing and results playback. Cobweb will work in partnership with your team to assess, plan and implement a disaster recovery solution based on the Microsoft Azure cloud. During the discovery assessment engagement, the Cobweb team will:

    • Gain a full understanding of your disaster recovery goals, including recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs). RTOs and RPOs are defined within your business’s backup plan. The RTO is the timescale defined by you as a business within which a business process must be returned to operation following an issue, so that the disruption caused by the issue does not result in an unacceptable break in business continuity. For example, if RTO of four hours has been defined for a particular process, this process must be back up and running following a problem within four hours. The RPO defines the amount of data a business can allow itself to lose in the event of a disaster, and relates to the frequency backups are made. As an example, if a business defines the RPO to be three hours, a backup must be made every three hours. It’s possible that up to three hours’ data could be lost in the event of a subsequent disruption, but no more than three hours’.
    • Review your existing IT infrastructure and applications to assess backup readiness.
    • Propose a detailed disaster recovery plan, designed to enable you to achieve your business goals.

As an optional follow-on, a deployment service is also available.
