Unicorn Digital Courtroom

CX Unicorn

Unicorn Digital Courtroom

CX Unicorn

Enable hybrid, remote, in-courtroom operations with an integrated & intelligent hearing solution.

Recent global trends have inadvertently prompted courts to hear proceedings on a remote or hybrid basis, using video and audio platforms. As the courtrooms continue to transform globally, these initiatives have continually pervaded many facets of legal proceedings and many jurisdictions are now defining their roadmap to build digital hybrid courtrooms.


Modern virtual hearings solution that integrates courtroom operations for remote, in-person and hybrid scenarios is now the centrepiece of every country’s citizen experience strategy. Unicorn Digital Courtroom offers access to government services in a simple, secure, and seamless both digital and non-digital experience.


Our Evidence Management solution allows you to receive and streamline case evidence electronically. This enables timely access to case evidence, while efficiently collaborating with investigators who are building cases. Users can harness search functions and filters to retrieve cases and evidence instantly, as opposed to manually searching through file cabinets, databases, and folders. Evidence and notes can be coherently visualised on a timeline to form a coherent narrative, using bookmarks in video and audio recordings.


Technology has enabled remote participation in hearings, substantially transforming the manner in which proceedings are conducted. On-site hearings are categorised as synchronous, as all participants are physically present. Proceedings that incorporate technology, however, can offer more agility, with participants conducting presentations by a judge or a member of the court’s staff. These presentations can be time-constrained, recorded, and assembled into a record for judicial or public review.


As we value your privacy and data security, our customers are offered with ownership and full control of their content & data. Our simple, yet powerful design allows customers to determine where their user-content will be stored, how resources are accessed, and to secure content in transit or at-rest. Azure GCC (US) is available for governments, organisations operating in government-regulated industries, and private entities that meet the Azure GCC (US) requirements.