Windows client for developers (Microsoft Dev Box compatible)


Windows client for developers (Microsoft Dev Box compatible)


Windows client images for Azure and compatible with Microsoft Dev Box

Use these images as a starting point to create custom images for developers building any application. They are updated monthly and include the most common tools and configurations used by developers.

All plans include the following tools and settings:

  • Gen2 VM images
  • Git for Windows
  • GitHub CLI
  • Azure CLI
  • Azure Developer CLI
  • Azure PowerShell Module
  • PowerShell 7
  • Developer mode enabled
  • Hyper-V
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
For Visual Studio developers, we recommend using our Visual Studio 2019 or Visual Studio 2022 Dev Box compatible images as a starting point.

This software is provided by Microsoft. Use of this software in Microsoft Azure is not permitted except for Visual Studio subscribers or under a volume licensing agreement with Microsoft. By clicking Create, I acknowledge that I or the company I work for have a valid Visual Studio subscription or is licensed to use this software under a volume licensing agreement with Microsoft and that the right to use it will be subject to that agreement.