Amperon Forecasting Analytics


Amperon Forecasting Analytics


Grid and meter-level forecast for electricity, demand, generation, renewables, solar

Amperon delivers the industry’s most accurate electricity forecasting solutions, deployed in weeks (not months), to improve energy reliability, de-risk financial impacts, and decarbonize the grid faster.

  • Challenge: Growth in global electricity demand is expected to grow 2.5x through 2050. Shifting electricity demand patterns, new renewable generation, and extreme weather events are disrupting business as usual across global electricity markets.
  • Solution: Amperon offers the most accurate AI-driven forecasting solution to track, plan and optimize energy needs across the power grid.
  • Value: We provide the highest precision electricity analytics platform to help companies manage risk, navigate volatile energy markets, and accelerate decarbonization.

Solution Overview:

  • Grid: most accurate short-term (15-day) and long-term forecasts (10-year) available on the market for supply and demand at the ISO/market and zonal levels.
  • Meter/Portfolio: Short-term (15-day) and long-term forecasts (10-year) for energy demand/load to support a range of grid reliability and commercial/trading use-cases, including overlay of PPAs/trades to understand open positions.
  • Renewables: short-term ISO/market and zonal and asset/plant forecasts for trading/risk management, asset optimization, and operations/reliability. Amperon's renewable forecasts provide customers with hyper accurate solar generation forecasts at the asset level, offering invaluable insights to mitigate uncertainty and optimize operations.
  • Peak Alerts: coincident peak alerts to reduce transmission costs, peak demand charges, and congestion.

Customer Focus: Power generation, power supply, distribution planning, renewable energy, energy marketing & trading, asset management.

Target Industries: Utilities, Public Power (munis/coops), Energy Retailers, Gentailers, Independent Power Producers (IPPs), Financial & Commodity Traders.

Buyer Job Roles / Personas: Energy Traders, Origination, Data Scientists, Market Fundamental Analysts, Supply Forecasting, Risk Management