Places Aggregator

Happ Travel Inc.

Places Aggregator

Happ Travel Inc.

Extract coordinates of all Google Places within a given area (city or town) in a EULA-compliant way.

This service extracts the coordinates of all Google Places places within a locality (ie: city or town) by either a their place type or a search term. This is useful for doing density analysis of places within a city, but be done through the out-of-box search radius-based SDKs.

Please note the only data that is EULA-compliant to attain are the IDs and coordinates of the places – which we will hold on to for 30 days. You may further query more data about any of the individual places as per your own needs via the standard Google Places SDK.

When combined with the search term for your aggregation, the aggregated place coordinates can help you analyze densities of various types of places within a city.